Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stinky Feet

You're at a road race. Your first. You're sweating with excitement. Just as you pull your running shoes out of the duffle bag, the handsomest guy you've ever seen stops dead in his tracks in front of you, gets a funny grin on his face and passes out.

No, he didn't faint because of your incredible good looks, your sexy smile, it was - the curse of the stinky feet.

Stinky feet may be good for clearing your sinuses on a really bad day, but it's mostly just embarrassing.

Sometimes stinky feet is associated with athletes feet and bacteria, but you don't have to have athletes feet to make your nose hairs fall out. All you need is a lot of sweat, which creates bacteria to the point your socks are damp in your shoes and waaa laaa - all your friends are gagging.

So, here's some tips to save you the embarrassment!

1. Keep your footsies clean and go barefoot when you're home. Let them babies have some air.

2. Don't wear socks to bed. My grandma did and her feet smelled like Limberger cheese.

3. Fill up a little tub of cool water with about 6 green tea tea bags and let 'em soak. Green tea helps reduce odour.

4. Put deoderant on your feet! (don't use the same stick or roll on you're using under your arms - that's disgusting.)

My personal favourite is using Foot Works Odor Neutralizing Spray. This stuff is good. It works for me anyway. There's a huge difference when I don't wear it - my cats run about the house wearing mini-gas masks.

One of my favourites after a run is Avon Foot Works Cooling Foot Lotion in Watermelon. It not only cools but watermelon smells a lot better than the alternative.

Avon has a number of excellent foot care products you should check out. They have everything from corn and callus removers to anti-fungal foot spray and the prices are excellent!

To see their entire foot care product line, go to: AVON and enter "foot works" in the search.

Cool web sites you might find helpful:




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